There is a special wholesale price (against legimitation) on mentioned prices, please ask!Black Star Sapphires
big stock in black stars sapphires.
Origin: the Ban Kha Cha area near Chantaburi
in the Sout-East of Thailand, near the Cambodian border.
size: 1 carat to appr. 50 carats
model: round, oval, marquise, fancy and pearshape
price: 4 €/ct /small stones ) to about 40 €/ct.
The gems on the above photo move around 15 - 25 €/carat.
We are also offering black star sapphires in calibrated sizes, especially for the jewelery industry.
The sizes: 6x4, 7x5, 8x6, 9x7 and 10x8 mm n I. and II. Quality.
Starting 2008 also calibrated sizes in round!
The rare and fine variety of the black star sapphire is the golden starsapphires.
Around 100 times rarer as the blackies, the sapphire shows a GOLDEN star.
Mostly only in sizes of 2 – 5 carats available, over 10 carats considered
to be very rare, our stock is going until 20 carats, only a few pieces left.
price: appr. 40 - 100 €/Carat.
As a extremely special offer, we carry black and golden starsapphires with a 12-rayed star!
Colorlines in calibrated sizes as 6x4, 7x5 and 8x6 mm in all-shades-of-color-stars are being offered too.
Set of black Star Sapphires
set: 46 Stones
weight: 145 carat
specifics: black star sapphires from Thailand
price: 1299 €
Star Quartz
very fine star-quartz with very sharp stars from Brasil.
Very flat, recut in Idar-Oberstein.
origin: Brasil
price: 3 - 6 €/ct
Star Rose Quartz
Fascinating rose quartz with a star inside.
Anyone who loves the color of this crystals and feel the fascination to the star inside,
will never imagine a rose quartz without a star in the future.
Star Rose Quartz
This is a beautiful starrosequarz-sphere in an unusual fine colour;
a bit violetish with an extraordinary transparency, just having one
inclusions like a disc, but not influencing the star.
origin: Madagaskar
diameter: 48 mm
price: 450 €
Star Rose Quartz
Absolutely clean, no minor inclusions, very sharp pink and intense star.
In this very fine quality extremely rare!
Please click here and take a look at the extensive range of gem products in our eBay store.
Star Rose Quartz
Very strong Asterism! Absolutely fine pink color!
This Photo shows the asterism with one light source. A very impressing gem.
origin: Madagaskar
diameter: 54mm
price: 600 €
Star Rose Quartz
color: pink
weight: 11.000 carat (2,2 kg)
diameter: 105 mm
origin: Madagaskar
specifics: natural inclusions
price: 1495 €
Star Rose Quartz
We offer some very fine starrosequartz-spheres.
from app. 150 € to 900 €
sapphire und Rubin
Bright Colors, only love can be deeper. Sparkling stones, from deep in the earth, millions of years waiting to be worn by your beloved.
Star sapphire
Very interesting starsapphire from Mogok in Burma. One of my favorites in my
Design by nature ™ collection. The star is exactely possible to center in
the eye of the beautiful hexagonal colour banding. Rare, Unique !
weight: ca. 11,56 carat
origin: Mogok in Burma
price: 50 €/ct (SOLD)
Sapphire carving
Fine, sky blue sapphire cabochon from Mogok in Burma.
The sapphire is all natural, no artificial colours
added and untreated A carving in sapphire in this size
is rare. A single piece of beauty
motive: “ Amor & Psyche“
weight: 113 carat
origin: Mogok in Burma
specifics: master carver from Idar-Oberstein
price: 725 €
Not colored, treated or manipulated in any other way.
color: blue as the sky
weight: 200 carat
length: 42 mm
width: 39 mm
height: 10 mm
price: 2.50 €/ct
Not colored, treated or manipulated in any other way.
color: blue
weight: 190 carat
length: 50 mm
width: 32 mm
height: 9,2 mm
price: 2 €/ct
Trapiche Sapphires: "the fixed star in gemstones""
Very nice cut trapiche sapphires in a fine medium to dark blue color.
he limited quantity available in the market in Bangkok is sold for
about 100-300 $/Carat.Only a few pieces in stock.
A extremely interesting collector stone and very beautiful in jewelery.
color: blue
origin: Moguk in Burma
price: 30 €/ct to 120 €/ct
Trapiche Saphires
Trapiche Sapphires: the fixed Star in gemstones.
We have quite a good stock in these gems in many different
sizes and qualities. An interesting collector stone and suitable also
for individual design jewelery.
color: grey
origin: Mogok in Burma
price: 10 €/ct to 40 €/ct
Jadeites from Burma
A small collection of jadeites from Burma in different colors.
The very best and
most expensive Jadeite in the world. No Nephrite, which is occuring in masses.
The so called “ Imperial Jade “ is only coming from Burma and can be much more
expensive than very fine diamonds.
origin: Hapakan in Nord-Burma
price: 20 € to 100 € per piece
Please click here and take a look at the extensive range of gem products in our eBay store.
We have more cabs, carvings and rough stones in stock !
All prices plus VAT
(no VAT added for buyers outside the EEC and for commercial buyers inside EEC with tax number)
All prices are subject to change without notice. Not liable for errors.
Phone: +49 (0)6781 509 942
Mobile: +49 (0)172 685 6042
Fax: +49 (0)6781 569 627
S h o p
S h o p
latest Updates:
» Corundums from NEPAL
» The Djeva Experiment
» Sapphire cat's-eye from Burma
» Sapphire or blue calcite?
Origin of the Stars,
painted by Andree Roth and Jörg Thomas.
From my book: ASTERISM, Gems with a Star, page 838, Original painting in the collection MPS.