"From time to time immemorial, gems with a star have been the object of beauty, value, mythology and desire"
I am extremely happy and very proud to present my new STAR book to you: the jeweler, the collector, the dealer, the student and the sophisticated connoisseur.
Martin P. Steinbach
a fascinating world
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3 Editions available:
Standard Edition
VIP Edition
VIS Edition
VIS (Very Important Success) Edition.
Lizard skin, embossed, with gold embossing on the 3 sides
a fascinating world
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The compendium illustrates
these contents:
- A modern, nearly square (24x26 cm) hardcover format with a dust jacket and 440 pages.
- Nearly 700 fantastic, esthetic and sophisticated pictures, graphs, drawings and maps.
- From A to Z: The entire description of more than 60 different gems with a star, including trapiche and trapiche-like varieties.
- Their full gemological data in tables for a quick orientation.
- Precisely elucidated in the main chapters: History of gems with a star, scientific approaches to asterism, synthetic stars, imitations and treatments.
- The heart of the book are the main star chapters: Common Stars, Rare Stars and Very Rare Stars.
- Thoroughly portrayed and presented are the famous star rubies and star sapphires.
- I am extremely delighted to show you the worldwide unique chapter “Stars in Exceptional Jewelry”. Jewelry by top designers as well as from famous auction houses.
- As the last part, about 300 references for scientific research and indices with more than 1000 keywords are summarized.
You are warmly invited to this fresh journey and big adventure of discovering this mesmerizing planet of gems with this fantastic optical phenomenon.
STAR GEMSa fascinating world
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a fascinating world
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Origin of the Stars,
painted by Andree Roth and Jörg Thomas.
From my book: ASTERISM, Gems with a Star, page 838, Original painting in the collection MPS.